Soul Tribe
Posted By : Date : Team Alisa | 09-17-2018
When you think of the word FAMILY what is the first thing that comes to your mind? For me its my mom-mom's home cooked italian meals mixed with vacations to the beach and long summer nights while sipping iced tea on my mom-mom's porch in my bare feet while catching firefly's. Growing up an only child and raised mostly by a single parent which was my mom. I started to realize as I got older that family isn't only just blood relation that family can also be friends, animals, spirit…
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Posted By : Date : Team Alisa | 08-10-2018
We live in a fast-paced world where the 3D matrix has created programming for us that needs to be reprogrammed, rebooted, recharged, so we can all ascend into ones highest self which will then align us with Gaia during her rebirth that is taking place at this moment. Along with helping us merge into our soul purpose, our original Blue Print. An Acension is taking place. An Awakening is taking place. Some are aware and some are sleeping. I am Awake. That is why Connecting to Your High Self is…
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